Coaxitron Translators
Coaxitron Translators
We are expanding our line of coaxial data translators to include coax transmitters as well as coax receivers. If your application requires translation to or from coaxial data, we can help. If you don't see a solution on this page, contact us for information about new products in development.
SCT-CRX Series: Coaxitron Receivers
Our SCT-CRX coaxitron translators detect Pelco coaxitron control code and convert it to the desired output code for a single PTZ.
SCT-CRX-Pelco-Bosch | Translates Pelco coaxitron control code to Bosch biphase control code |
SCT-CRX-Pelco-Pelco | Translates Pelco coaxitron control code to Pelco RS-422 control code |
SCT-CRX-Pelco-Vicon | Translates Pelco coaxitron control code to Vicon RS-422 control code |
SCT-CRX-Pelco-Relay | Detects Pelco coaxitron control code and converts auxiliary commands to operate two relays |
SCT-CTX Series: Coaxitron Transmitters
Our SCT-CTX coaxitron translators receive wired data from a control source and transmit output data up video coaxial cable to a single PTZ.
SCT-CTX-Bosch-485-Pelco | Translates Bosch RS-485 control code from a DVR or other control device to Pelco Coaxitron control code for a single PTZ |
SCT-CTX-Kalatel-Pelco | Translates Kalatel Digiplex III RS-422 control code to Pelco Coaxitron control code for a single PTZ This translator has the same function as a Kalatel KTD-314-1 Digiplex code converter. |
SCT-CTX-Pelco-Pelco | Translates Pelco RS-422 control code to Pelco Coaxitron control code for a single PTZ This unit emulates the function of a Pelco CM9760-CXTA Coaxitron translator, but for only one PTZ. |
SCT-CTX-Pelco-Panasonic | Translates Pelco RS-422 control code to Panasonic coaxial control code for a single PTZ This unit functions similarly to the Panasonic WJ-MP204C multiplexer, integrating serial data control with coax data receivers. However, unlike the WJ-MP204C, this unit accepts Pelco RS-422 input data, NOT Panasonic RS-485. |
Mailing Address: Sennetech Inc. 6455 W. Bath Rd. Perry, MI 48872 USA Email: |
Phone: (517) 675-1150 Fax: (517) 675-1151 Business Hours (Eastern Standard Time): 9 AM - 5 PM Mon. - Fri. Closed Sat. and Sun. |
Copyright © 2008 Sennetech Inc.
Last modified: January 24, 2017